Research Integrity and Compliance
The University of Northern Colorado is dedicated to the highest standards of research integrity. The university's guidelines and procedures promote those standards in the care for people and animals that are the subjects of research, as well as in maintaining confidentiality, adhering to protocols, and preventing research misconduct.
Research Involving Cannabis Guidance
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
UNC's Office of Research and Sponsored Programs coordinates training and provides oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to students, faculty and staff members.
Human Subjects Research (IRB)
Human subjects research at UNC is regulated by University regulations to ensure that all research carried out under the auspices of UNC conform to ethical standards.
Research Misconduct
Allegations of Research Misconduct should be reported to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO).
Animal Subjects Research (IACUC)
UNC Institutional Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees the University's animal program, facilities, and projects involving the use of animals.
Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)
Work supported by externally funded awards will be free from bias resulting from financial conflicts of interest of project personnel.
Research Integrity and Compliance Staff
Laura Martin
Director of Compliance & Operations Animal Care and Use Program
Dr. Michael Aldridge
Co-Chair, IRB
Dr. Silvia Correa-Torres
Co-Chair, IRB
Dr. Mark Thomas
Chair, IACUC
Dr. Jeri-Anne Lyons
- Institutional Official (IO) for Human Subject Research
- Institutional Official (IO) for Vertebrate Animal Research
(970) 351-2305
- Research Integrity Officer (RIO)