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Undergraduate Research Tutorial

Undergraduate Research Module

UNC's Undergraduate Research Tutorial provides an overview of the research process from starting a research project to understanding and avoiding plagiarism. Students who go through the tutorial are introduced to various concepts such as choosing a topic, moving from topic to research question, finding books and articles through UNC's library, evaluating sources, taking notes, synthesizing information, and using RefWorks.

Graduate Research Tutorial

Graduate Research Tutorial

UNC's Graduate Research Tutorial can be helpful for graduate students who are just beginning their research, as well as for more advanced graduate-level researchers. This tutorial assumes that graduate students already have a research topic. It will show students how to locate books and articles related to their topic, how to organize and take notes on what they find, how to cite and avoid plagiarism, and how to write a literature review (which is required in many graduate programs).

APA Tutorial for Undergraduate Students

APA Tutorial for Undergraduate Students

UNC’s APA Tutorial for Undergraduate Students provides instruction in the fundamentals of APA citation style. The module includes instruction on creating both reference citations and in-text citations, and includes tips on formatting APA style papers. The module also offers an optional 10-question quiz to check student knowledge.

What every grad student should know about UNC Libraries

UNC’s What Every Graduate Should Know about the UNC Libraries Canvas tutorial is a rapid tutorial on University Libraries services for graduate students. The tutorial outlines 15 services important for graduate students to know and take advantage of, but it is completely customizable for faculty and what they consider the most important services for their students to know. It is available in Canvas Commons; search “what every graduate” to find the correct tutorial.

AOER 101 basics of open education resources & affordable course materials

AOER 101: The Basics of Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials is an introductory module that provides information and resources that identify the reasons educators are moving toward low-cost and cost-free course materials. Further, the module addresses approaches to identifying these types of materials, best practices for evaluating found materials, and determining which type of license is the best fit for your needs. Lastly, best practices for material attribution, methods for distributing materials to students, and next steps for moving forward are covered. 

This module is also available in Canvas Commons and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International unless otherwise noted. Please reuse or adapt any portion of this module.

If you prefer to self-enroll in AOER 101: The Basics of Open Educational Resources & Affordable Course Materials and take it as a self-paced course, rather than putting it in a course shell, please use this link: http://unco.catalog.instructure.com/courses/aoer-101