Accounts and Passwords
Employee Account (
UNC Faculty, Staff, GA, TA and Student Employee Account
Student Account (
UNC Undergraduate Student and Graduate Student Account
UNC's online interface for requesting and scheduling classroom and event space
Information on how to obtain Adobe products and discounts.
UNC's scheduling tool for running Banner jobs and processes
UNC's web-based administrative access to course registration, admission, student accounts receivable and financial aid administrative functions
Bear Print
UNC's mobile printing system
UNC's Learning Management System
Cisco Agent
UNC's call center software
Cisco AnyConnect (VPN)
UNC's virtual private network to connect to UNC's network off Campus
CS Gold
UNC's CBORD system for interior residence hall door access
UNC's web-based degree audit review program
Evaluation Kit (EvalKit)
UNC's online course evaluation system
Faculty Success
UNC's online program administrators use to guide promotion and tenure decisions during the annual faculty review process
UNC's reporting tool for Faculty and Staff
UNC's system for purchasing parking passes.
Library Resources
Michener Library's library resources
LinkedIn Learning
UNC's professional development website for Faculty and Staff
Microsoft Email Account
UNC's Faculty, Staff and Student email accounts
Microsoft Multi-factor Authentication (MMFA)
Directions on how to set-up UNC's Multi-factor Authentication options and information on UNC's policy guidelines.
Microsoft Teams
UNC's unified communication and collaboration platform
Odyssey HMS & PCS
UNC's CBORD system that manages student IDs, housing contracts and meal plans
Office 365
UNC's suite of Microsoft products available online
UNC's contract and document management system
UNC's cloud document storage solution
OU Campus
UNC's web content management system (CMS)
Phones & Voicemail
Information about desk phones and voicemail at UNC
UNC's online survey creation tool
UNC's web-based collaboration and document management platform
UNC's customer relationship management tool (CRM)
Software and Online Purchases
Information on how to purchase software and onlince purchases at UNC
UNC's web-based single point of access to secure information and tools for students, faculty and staff
UNC's document management system
UNC's video conferencing solution